Sunday 5 February 2017

Incredible Mallakhamb | Paris 2017 | 38th Festival of Mondial | Cirque Phoenix |

Incredible Indian's at ParisFestival of Mondial 2017

 This trio of acrobats from Bombay is one of the attractions of the World Circus Festival of tomorrow.
They have already toured the globe. Incredible Mallakhamb, the trio from India who will be present at the World Circus Festival tomorrow, until Sunday, on the track Phénix, lawn of Reuilly (Paris XII), reached the television finale of "India has a Incredible talent ", then" Georgia has an amazing talent ", at the other end of the world and the screen.
The three young acrobats of Bombay even hope to be spotted under the marquee Parisian for the French version of M 6. "After all, we were finalists, but we never won this show," they joke. What theyre doing ? Insane and "dangerous" acrobatics on two simple teak masts planted on the track, dipping towards each other. A practice inspired by an Indian sport combining martial arts, balance and yoga.

A festival to be noticed
The Festival brings together young artists from around the world who are looking to win a gold, silver or bronze medal in front of a jury made up of top circus directors from China to Canada. For this new wave of the track, which includes French, Scandinavian, Chilean notably, and for the first time therefore, Indians, it is a chance to win a big contract. Especially in Bombay or New Delhi there is not the equivalent of Pinder or Bouglione. "We come from the middle class. Our parents did not want us to go circus, but we became engineers or computer scientists. Now they are starting to be proud. We went to Japan and Abu Dhabi, "smiled Anup, Tanaji and Pranjal, aged between 19 and 25. Here they rehearse between a juggler and a diabolo specialist.
To be selected, they did like all young acrobats and jugglers: social networks, where they post their videos. "In the circus, everything happens on Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram," they drop as obvious. How do they live in this country? Teachers or, for one, always studying between two tours. Approximately 25 issues will take place in four days of competition. To them to draw the good.

Incredible Indian

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